If Your Order Has Already Shipped:
Once your order is on its way, we’re unable to cancel it. However, you can return the unopened product for a refund or exchange. Please note that shipping fees cannot be refunded, as they cover carrier costs. Refer to our Returns Policy for instructions on sending items back.

If Your Order Has Not Shipped Yet:
For orders not yet shipped, cancellations and changes are hassle-free! Contact our customer support team directly at info@publichealthlaw.net, providing your order number to help expedite the process. This applies to any adjustments, including changes to shipping details, item removal, additions, or complete order cancellation. We process cancellations only by direct call, so please avoid email or voicemail requests.


Once your refund is processed, it may take between 7–10 business days to reflect in your account, depending on your financial institution.

If you’d like to exchange a product, you’re responsible for the return shipping of the original item and any additional shipping costs for the exchanged item unless free shipping applies. For more details, visit our Exchange Policy.

For any questions regarding cancellations or returns, our team is here to support you. Reach out to info@publichealhlaw.net, and we’ll assist you promptly.